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发布日期:2024-07-16 03:50    点击次数:62


If you are in the auto parts business world and want to sell goods on eBay2024欧洲杯官网入口, you must use eBay’s part compatibility listings that will help you find the right parts for your vehicles. There are many types of models and variants available in the automotive aftermarket and sometimes it becomes tricky to find the exact match that will fit perfectly. But you can increase your auto parts listings with quality fitment and find your perfect fit.

Before we move on with eBay parts listings, let’s first discuss in brief about the fitment data.

What is Fitment data?

The fitment data information helps automotive merchants purchase parts that exactly fit their vehicles. Vehicle fitment data includes information like year, make, model, and details like engine size and trim level. As per the Auto Care Association, businesses and consumers of the automotive industry need to have accurate fitment data. Well, fitment data is complex and very challenging to manage. In such a case, you will require an accurate fitment tool like PCFitment, to help you manage this vast source of resources.

What is the need for adding fitment to your listings?

Fitment information helps buyers find the correct items for their vehicles.

* It saves time.

* Get a boost in search results

* Less returns

Now, how does eBay compatibility help buyers find what they want?

eBay product catalog is a great way for sellers of auto parts and accessories to upload fitment data. The eBay compatibility tool helps automotive merchants to know if a certain part will fit on a specific make and model of a vehicle. With eBay Parts compatibility listings, customers can order a part that fits into their vehicle by applying a fitment search on your eBay listing. It will also help in reducing returns and boosting your sales.

Let’s have a look at how the eBay fitment look in the below image:



什么是适配数据? 适配数据信息匡助汽车商家购买与其车辆彻底匹配的零部件。车辆适配数据包括年份、品牌、型号以及发动机尺寸和建立等瞩目信息。阐明汽车照料协会(Auto Care Association)的功令,汽车行业的企业和糜掷者需要准确的适配数据。适配数据十分复杂且难以管制。在这种情况下,您将需要一个准确的适配用具,如PCFitment,以匡助您管制这一重大的资源。

为什么需要在您的列表中添加适配信息? 适配信息匡助买家找到合适其车辆的正确零部件。

· 省俭时间。

· 擢升搜索后果排行。

· 减少退货。

咫尺,eBay兼容性奈何匡助买家找到他们念念要的居品? eBay居品目次是汽车零部件和配件卖家上传适配数据的好纪律。eBay兼容性用具匡助汽车商家了解某个零部件是否合适特定品牌和型号的车辆。通过eBay零部件兼容性列表,客户不错通过在您的eBay列表中哄骗适配搜索来订购合适其车辆的零部件。这也将有助于减少退货并擢升您的销售。


What’s the best way to upload fitment on eBay?

Well, PCFitment’s eBay Integration tool holds extreme importance as it is a powerful and easy-to-use tool that helps businesses in the automotive aftermarket industry to meet the fitment complexities. Our lookup tool automates the process of transforming ACES data (for Amazon) to eBay Fitment data or eBay Fitment data to ACES format. PCFitment’s fitment tool allows you to update multiple listings at once so you can save even more time. You can see up to a 30% increase in sales after uploading the fitment on eBay. For more details visit our website or email us your queries at info@pcfitment.com. Stay tuned and updated with innovations from PCFitment!


